Wednesday, November 18

Book Revew: The Sacred Meal by Nora Gallagher

The Sacred Meal
The Ancient Practices Series
By Nora Gallagher

The Sacred Meal is not a treatise on the sacrament of Eucharist, nor is it a theological lesson on the Last Supper. It is simply one humble woman sharing her personal experiences, remembrances, and revelations on the practice we call Communion.

Nora Gallagher makes no attempt to use scholarly terms or confusing definitions to convey her thoughts, but she does keep the Word close at hand as she reminisces about her Communion encounters. Each chapter includes quotes from Scripture that Ms. Gallagher applies to her life. Recounting moments from Christ’s life, she speaks of His purpose, cites His teachings, and seeks to understand His heart. She examines our Savior in an intimate way.

Our author invites us to participate in a personal Communion that is only possible when shared with others, then gives us examples of how we might go about doing that. She remains transparent and honest while telling of her own communion experiences from both the servant and server aspects, at the altar and in the soup kitchen. In whatever circumstance, the reader is assured that, whether Ms. Gallagher is serving or being served, she is the recipient of great joy.

Ms. Gallagher shares her own inferences and interpretations without forcing her opinion on the reader. Throughout most of “The Sacred Meal” I was drawn into a deeper understanding of what I already knew, or was reassured of the promise of the Word. On more that a few occasions, though, Ms. Gallagher presented a concept I had never before considered. I didn’t always agree with her, but I can’t say how many of my disputes result from Godly wisdom and how many from what “I’ve always been taught”. What I do know is that Ms. Gallagher made my inner eyes widen and caused me to examine my own relationship with the Body of Christ and with Jesus Himself.

I’m grateful for Thomas Nelson Publishers for proving me a copy of “The Sacred Meal” and giving me the opportunity share my opinions. My education from the Holy Spirit will not be complete until God calls me home. “The Sacred Meal” has opened windows leading to new and deeper learning. If you, like me, never grow full of wisdom, I suggest you give it a read.

Catrina Bradley

"God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes."
Psalm 18:24 (Msg)