Friday, March 6

Friday Fiction: Heart Song

And TGIFF (Thank God it's FRIDAY FICTION!!!)

Friday Fiction is hosted by Shirley McClay this week on her blog Sunny Glade. (Thanks, Shirley!)
Please stop by to read some awesome fiction, or join in the fun by posting your own fiction on your blog, and adding a link to your post on Mr. Linky.

"Heart Song" was my entry for the "Happy" challenge at FaithWriters. Once again, there were entries much better than mine so this story didn't make any of the "top" lists, but I like it, so THERE! :) I like it even better now, reflecting back on what my world used to be like before I chucked it all to enter ministry and work for the Lord. One thing hasn't changed tho; I still look to HIM for my strength and my joy.



Daphne was dressed for work in one of her favorite suits, and she was wearing her new fuchsia blouse for the first time. She stood transfixed at the kitchen window, marveling at the snowstorm of small, white blossoms dancing through the back yard. Her eyes were wide with delight; a small laugh, almost a giggle, escaped. She drew so close to the big window that her excited breathing fogged her view. She moved to the left and back a hair so she wouldn’t miss a step of nature’s ballet.

Thank you for spring, Father. Thank you beauty so abundant it blows in the wind and drifts in the gutters.

The morning was getting away from her. Still smiling, she bent to scratch Lady’s head. “Let’s get you fed, sweetie. Mommy’s gotta go!” The dachshund trotted at her heels as Daphne crossed the floor to the cabinet where she kept the kibbles and treats. Daphne began singing as she filled Lady’s bowl. The chorus to the song that was playing when she’d shut off the radio was in her head. ”I will praise you in this storm, and I will lift my hands, for You are who You are no matter where I am…”

God, I do praise you in my storm. In the gloom of my days, You are my Sunshine. I trust You to guide me.

Another miserable day at the office loomed. She grabbed her things and headed to the door. Out of habit born of necessity, she stopped at the threshold to go over her checklist. Keys, lunch, purse, bag. Check. The song played on in her heart as she started her car and opened the garage door. ” …and every tear I've cried You hold in your hand…”

Thank you, Jesus, for being right there with me, holding me, when life’s circumstances get me so down I want to give up.

Daphne backed out of the garage, humming. The ornamental grass and fir trees that lined the curb were overgrown, and she had only an instant of visibility before her rear bumper cleared the brick mailbox and entered the street. She crept backward, peering down the street through the narrow gap. Her snail-like speed made it easy to stop before she blocked the path of the oncoming Camry that jerked to a stop. Whew. Thanks, God. That was close! As the adrenaline rush abated, she and the driver played “You go. No you go” for a minute. Daphne finally stuck her arm out the open window and motioned the driver on. ”You never left my side, and though my heart is torn, …hmm hmm mmm..”

Thirty-five miles, 75 minutes, and 35,000 disgruntled road-mates later, Daphne climbed the steps to her second floor office. The receptionist looked up with a hesitant smile. Daphne knew that look.

“I will praise You in this storm…”

“Good morning, Daphne! I hate to bug you so soon, but…”

“Oh, Daphne, good, you’re here. Come see me when you get a minute. I need…”

“Daphne? It is you. I need help with…”

From down the hall, Daphne heard the distinctive ring of her inter-office line.

Daphne sang under her breath as she strode to her desk to start another day.

”I lift my eyes unto the hills
where does my help come from?
My help comes from the Lord, the maker of heaven and earth.”

* * *

The author has been profoundly blessed by the ministry of Casting Crowns, and would like to personally thank them for the use of their lyrics from ”Praise You In This Storm” in this autobiographical sketch, and for the impact their music has had on my life.

Catrina Bradley 7/12/07