Tuesday, July 7

WFW: Walk Worthy

I know I've been very quiet lately, but I'm here with a Word Filled Wednesday contribution.

Ever since I helped my boss (also my pastor) with research for his sermon series "The Walk", I've been fascinated by Scriptures about the walk...and there are a lot of them! Lisa (aka Dandelion) from The Blog Squad reminded me today how much I like Ephesians 4:1-2. It is one of my favorite passages for its conviction factor. In her post the Blog Squad: A Collective Destiny, Lisa refers to a verse's HSF, or "Head Smacking Factor." That's an even better description.

With every step I take on my walk with Christ comes a decision: I can be gentle or rude; I can be humble or proud; I can be patient or testy. These choices I face are gifts from Him; I get to decide which way to turn. Not only that, as a child of God, I also have His presence and His power through the Holy Spirit within me to help make the right decision, no matter how hard it is.

How often do I stop to make a choice?

Yep, I'm smacking my head.

Tune in tomorrow for a special treat - Dandelion herself will be making a guest appearance right here on my blog! She has graciously offered to fill in for me for a day or two. She has some powerful things to say, so you don't want to miss it!

Then stay tuned right here at A work in progress for Friday Fiction! Yes, that's right - I have the honor and privilege of being the host this Friday!!!

Thanks for stopping by! Be sure to check out the 160 acre woods for more visual inspiration from scripture!


"God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes."
Psalm 18:24 (Msg)