Monday, June 13

"You Said Go"

For the past three years, I've run myself silly for a week each summer. A full day of work, immediately followed by the most anticipated, exhilarating, exhausting...and rewarding...five hours you can imagine. For five days straight. Yes, you've got it ....

When it all boils down to brass tacks, Vacation Bible School is not about the Serengeti heat outside or the air conditioning not cooling enough inside. It's not about the theme and decorations (tho they make it FUN and inviting for kids and workers.) It's all about introducing kids to Jesus on a personal level.

It's been three days since we said goodby to New York City and the Big Apple Adventure, and I'm almost recovered. And next year, I'll do it all over again. I'm already planning my room. :-)  Yes, I will endure sore muscles and sleep loss; I will withstand sweating and bad hair; I will do whatever it takes. It's all about bringing Glory to His Name.

God, you have blessed me and I thank you. You said "Tell." I am telling.

Be blessed,

Catrina Bradley
"God rewrote the text of my life when I opened the book of my heart to his eyes." Psalm 18:24 (Msg)